Fee Schedule

* There is NO Fee unless we collect *

Our rates are based solely on amount collected

Claim Amount w/o Attorney w/ Attorney
Up to $75,000 20% 25%
$75,001 to $150,000 18% 23%
$150,001 to $250,000 15% 20%
$250,001 and Up 12% 17%

Fee Schedule Specifications

On all return of merchandise, which has been authorized and received, our rates will be based on one-half the invoiced amount of the merchandise.

Chapter 7 cases (Bankruptcy/ Liquidation) we will file the necessary Proof of Claim with the Bankruptcy Court, monitor the proceedings and keep you advised of all significant developments. There will be no charge for these services, other than our agreed collection rates, which will be charged on any distribution made.

Chapter 11 cases (Bankruptcy Reorganization) we will file the necessary Proof of Claim with the Bankruptcy Court, monitor and participate in the Chapter 11 proceedings. We will obtain a copy of the schedules filed by the debtor indicating the amount the debtor claims is owing to you. Our agreed collection rate will be charged only on distributions made.

Should an amicable collection not be possible, and legal action be required and authorized in order to collect, our clients benefit from our extensive network of highly experienced commercial attorneys, who can properly and effectively pursue litigation with a minimal amount of expense.

Licensed, Bonded & Insured

Global Debt Solutions